JaTis Game: We want graphics

By: Tobi

September 2020

Having implemented some random map generation and printing some maps to the terminal, I wanted to have something more fancy to show. So I started to look for graphic output.

There are many gread summarys regarding the state of game development and graphics. What is important to know is, that one realizes very fast that Rust is still fairly new. Many crates are in very active development, including frequent API changes. Something new pops up every other day.

I started looking at game engines and after looking at Amethyst a bit I found the then VERY new but also very promising (to my understanding) Bevy.

I played around with bevy for quite some time, but got the feeling that I was not so much learning Rust, but the Bevy API. After looking around some more, I realized that I was not able to find a better alternative, so Bevy it was.

As already mentioned, many things surrounding Rust a very new, so naturally, documentation is hard to come by. The best way to learn is studying APIs and example code.

I hope I can guide you through my thought-process an findings, maybe you find some information that is useful.